Slow Tide at Pt. 2 Gallery

Oakland, California | January 9 - February 5, 2021

Slow Tide expands Ording’s oeuvre of dyed and methodically painted works through deep investigations in both landscape and abstraction. Ording’s second solo exhibition with the gallery demonstrates the artist’s exploration in scale and medium as well, featuring a number of large-format works and works on canvas.

In Slow Tide, Ording’s interests in geometry and color theory intersect with the imposition of an imposed domestic life in which routine and repetition became standard. The conceptual weight of these ideas and lifestyle manifest muted landscape and elaborate geometric abstractions.

Ording’s work plays with control and order. In her works on paper, she juxtaposes the two with different techniques. Processing thick, homemade paper with dye, Ording leaves much agency to the material itself, responding to the deepening of tone and the implication of form. This letting go is reigned in with her fragile and precise line work in acrylic, her ineffable parallel straight edges and spirals rendered painstakingly by hand.


A Bright Side at Gilman Contemporary